The Story of Shelly and Heidi

My treasured experience of Shel Rosenthal, “Shelly” as I knew him then. Shelly and I met when we were about four years young, on Orange Drive in Hollywood. When we began playing outside together, we had no idea that our parents were ex-spouses. Shel and I loved being together and had a great time and innocent connection. Shelley and I ate Ritz crackers spread with butter sandwiches on the corner watching the cars go by. We watched Romper Room, Bozo, Hobo Kelly and Saturday cartoons together (my favorite; George of the Jungle). We collected Rollie Pollie’s, and also pretty much mutilated the pet chameleon that I got at the Barnum Bailey Circus (you can only pull the tail off so many times). However, the neighbor found it in the trash and returned it to me (Yuck!).

When our parents finally met, we all found out that Rosie and my mom Alyce were married in their 20’s… Hollywood implants… that is a story in itself…lol

Shel was my first love and boyfriend at 4. Rosie used to ask, “who’s your old lady” and Shelly would answer “Heidi”; “who’s your old man” was always Shelly. Shel was my first kiss. I remember us trying to kiss like grown-ups at his parents’ house; we smashed our lips together and kept moving our heads back and forth. It hurt our mouths and we laughed. I also remember we were told to take a nap, so we laid together and he put his arm around me. We were adorable! At that time in the late 60’s Tom Jones had a popular show on TV, and I had a crush on him. Shel asked to have his hair cut like Tom Jones because he knew how much I liked him. Till this day every time I hear of Tom Jones, I think of Shelly.

Anyway, our parents became friends through our connection, and we became family 💗 As we grew up we all moved around a bit. We went to the same and different schools at the same and different times (Rosewood Elementary and Bancroft Jr. High). When we were young, whenever our parents got together it was a treat to hang out again. In our early teens, all our parents separated and somehow, we both ended up at Bancroft Jr. High. At that time, I was finding my own, and kinda dissed Shel at school, He reminded me of that later in life and how it hurt his feelings. Something I wish I could take it back because he was really cool. A few years later we would bump into each other at hang outs in the Hollywood hills and again when I went to work for his mom Carol.

It was several years after I moved to Las Vegas when we saw each other again. Shel would stop by to visit me and my family when he was in town to see his dad. The girls (Ashley and Heather) always lit up when Uncle Shel came to visit. Shel often traveled with Kwyjibo, (side note: I had to google to spell it and of course found it under a Simpsons clip. I then had another great laugh complements of Shel while I watched the clip). Shel also brought treats for the kids, introducing them to Tofutti Cuties, a yummy vegan non-ice cream sandwich that I have been looking for and unable to locate lately. Many times, Shel would bring a special and memorable gift for the girls when he visited. Those gifts have been cherished since received and include “The Giving Tree” book and a Hanukkah Bear. However, the most special gift that Shel always gave to me, and my daughters is his love and 100 percent attention. There are few people in my life that I have known that are completely present when they are with you and Shel was always present in my experience of him.

I was very happy when I met Gabbie and thrilled to see Shel and her making a life together. We were all overjoyed when Aliana was born. As a family, we enjoyed our almost annual visits, and I loved watching Aliana grow and seeing Shel’s love and pride for his baby girl. My heart always felt full when Shel and I were together up until the last day that I saw him, when Rick and I meet him at Canter’s and went back to his and Gabbie’s home. I always see Shel’s smile when I think of him or hear Tom Jones…lol. Shel has been in my heart my whole life. I love him and he will always be a part of who I am. I am grateful that he chose to share his life experience with me. I see his face often and feel his love for all <3